Free health screenings available to help catch heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms before symptoms

HOUSTON – If you catch heart disease early, you can eliminate serious health conditions like heart attack, stroke, even death.

UT Physicians in Clear Lake and Katy are offering free vascular screenings to catch diseases that lead to these conditions with a painless test.

Sam Crowder, 63,  said his hobby is sailing for months at a time.

“We were out cruising and came back because the first grandchild was born, went cruising, got a phone call we were having another one, came back, went cruising, came back and we were told don't even go this year because we have the next one on the way,” Crowder said.

With all of the grandkids to enjoy and seas to explore, Sam is at the UT Physicians office at 11476 Space Center Blvd., making sure his family history of stroke will not be catching his sails by surprise.

The Dare to Care program offers a free visit/screening if patients are:

  • Over 40 with diabetes
  • Over 50 with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or family history of vascular disease (including stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, kidney failure, sudden cardiac death of a family member, abdominal aortic aneurysms)
  • And all people over 60

“If we can find disease at a very early stage, for most of those people that should mean they don't ever need intervention,” Dr. Stuart Harlin said.

For more information, click link here.

About the Author
Haley Hernandez headshot

KPRC 2 Health Reporter, mom, tourist