HOUSTON – If you look closely at a tree in the Garden Oaks area, you may see something a bit holy.
While driving by, you'd probably miss it. At first glance, you likely wouldn't even notice it.
Near a busy section of North Shepherd Drive near 39th Street, some people think what happened on a tree is a miracle.
"The first thing that drew my eye was a lady and daughter taking pictures," homeowner Kyle Toland said. "I could see them from my living room. I had no idea what was going on."
Toland thought maybe someone died and family members came to mourn. However, different people kept showing up near his driveway.
"I noticed people pulling in and out. I went to run errands and came back and there was a huge wreath of flowers," he said.
That's when it all became clear to him. What appears to be an image of the Virgin Mary is in the tree.
To some, the image of the Virgin Mary is sacred and symbolic. Strangers have left flowers and candles behind.
Toland said he doesn't mind the mini-shrine. He said the image has been on the tree for about two years and expects the crowds to grow.