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'We Love Houston' sign moved to new home in downtown

HOUSTON – It is a landmark that many Houstonians drive by every day.

The "We Love Houston" sign is getting a new home.

Sky2 was high above the action as crews worked to remove the letters at its old location along I-10 Katy Freeway between Yale and Patterson streets.

VIDEO: Iconic Houston sign dismantled

The sign was in pieces on the grass, spelling out "O We (heart) H-U-N-S-T-O."

Just doesn't have as nice a ring to it as, "We (heart) Houston."

The sign, a photo op for Houstonians and visitors alike, will be moved due in part to the development of townhomes directly behind the sign.

The sign is getting moved to the Eado Promenade planned development in downtown Houston. It's being placed behind 8th Wonder Brewery near Polk and Hutchins streets.

Sculptor David Adickes erected the We Love Houston sign at its former location back in 2013.
