Très Chic boutique bi-annual fill-a-bag sale kicks off this weekend

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Très Chic boutique’s bi-annual FAB (fill-a-bag) sale will be happening this weekend, starting on Friday.

Customers who purchase a bag from the boutique will be able to fill it with sale merchandise.

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Prices start at $50 for up to five items and go up to $200 for an unlimited number of items.

Jewelry bags will also be included in the FAB sale for $50 and allow customers to select up to 10 items.

The FAB sale will be held in-store on Friday, July 30 from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday, July 31 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Très Chic boutique is located at 3414 Eastside St. in Houston.

Très Chic FAB Sale Flyer (Très Chic)

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