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Ask Amy show notes: Medicare 101

Episode 6: Everything you need to know about Medicare

Whether you are helping a parent or you need it yourself - healthcare, as you get older, is a topic we get a lot of questions about. In this week’s episode, Amy Davis and Guest Alex Rischan from the Houston-Galveston Area Agency on Aging break down what we need to know about Medicare.

Watch episode in the video link posted above.

Websites mentioned in this episode

Medicare website

Find health and drug plans

Find care providers

Houston-Galveston Area Agency on Aging

For quick reference, you can scroll to these timecodes in the episode to hear a specific topic

1:05 Do you have to sign up for Medicare? How to check in with someone once you turn 65.

2:51 how Houston Galveston Area Agency on Aging helps people sign up for benefits

3:08 what the pandemic has to do with Medicare benefits?

4:10 What happens if you are terminated and you lose health benefits?

4:47 different types of Medicare. Why part B is the most common and what it provides.

5:25 Should you consider signing up for the Medicare Advantage plans?

7:33 traditional Medicare has no max out-of-pocket.

7:45 medication coverage offered by Medicare. How to enroll in a prescription drug plan.

10:00 HPO PPO options for seniors

10:33 The penalty for not signing up for Medicare.

12:30 some companies charge for help signing up for Medicare. The Houston Galveston Area Agency on Aging works for free. How the help works.

12:53 Medicare open enrollment is a busy time but you still don’t have to wait too long.

13:50 How to help your parents sign up for Medicare. How to sign up to be a person who can find out information for your parents or someone else in your family.

14:20 What you need to know about open enrollment is Oct 15 - December 7. Why you should check your coverage even if you don’t want to make changes.

15:01 Should you let your healthcare provider file paperwork for you for additional coverage?

16:00 HGAAA phone number 713-627-3200

16:47 Don’t wait for open enrollment to sign up for Medicare if you are new to signing up. What happens if you approach your 65th birthday during open enrollment?

17:40 What you should ask your current doctors when making a decision about Medicare options.

Helpful KPRC links related to Medicare savings

How to get help figuring out Medicare sign-up

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About the Authors
Amy Davis headshot

Passionate consumer advocate, mom of 3, addicted to coffee, hairspray and pastries.

Andrea Slaydon headshot

Award-winning TV producer and content creator. My goal as a journalist is to help people. Faith and family motivate me. Running keeps me sane.
