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Ask Amy show notes: Protesting your property taxes

Episode 3: How to protest property tax evaluation

In this week’s episode, Amy Davis breaks down how to protest your property tax evaluation. Guest Michael Berlanga, Resolutions Now, CPA, Real Estate broker helps answer your top questions about protesting property taxes. You’ll learn the best way to protest, details about using evidence, tips for appealing the decision, and how to make a strong case.

Watch episode in the video link posted above.

Websites mentioned in this episode

Harris County tax office

Quick link to all area appraisal offices

Texas Comptroller’s Office

For quick reference, you can scroll to these timecodes in the episode to hear a specific topic

1:30 How to know when it’s time to file to protest your property taxes. Notice of value letter. Why 80% of Texans don’t protest their property taxes?

2:30 You can expect to get a bill from the tax office in October.

3:00 Online options for e-filing property tax protests. Why it may not work in your favor like going in person can do.

4:45 During a protest, the county will show you homes and properties that compare to yours.

5:00 First argument we all have when protesting property taxes: We are the only eyewitnesses to our property. The county does not have the resources to come to see your home.

5:54 property condition is your biggest tool.

6:00 They are just using a mass appraisal approach. Asking a real estate agent may help find better value.

6:43 you request the evidence tax office used.

8:15 You get the value they think it’s worth. You think about if you were going to sell your home today, and estimate repair costs. Other examples: home backs up to greenbelt that is not maintained.

9:37 why showing the panel respect can work in your favor, how to do that.

12:30 Who are the people who are on tax protest panels? Arbitrator 101.

15:48 What do you need to bring to a tax protest hearing?

17:00 What happens during a tax protest hearing?

22:15 Say you think the tax protest hearing did not go well. What’s next?

23:00 You can request a second hearing. There is a fee of around $450 but you can get that fee back if you win the case.

25:00 Often the county will just settle with you so they don’t have to go through the whole process again

Helpful KPRC links related to protesting property taxes

How to check how much you are paying / where your money is going / your proposed rate

How to get your property tax lowered even if you lose your case

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About the Authors
Andrea Slaydon headshot

Award-winning TV producer and content creator. My goal as a journalist is to help people. Faith and family motivate me. Running keeps me sane.

Amy Davis headshot

Passionate consumer advocate, mom of 3, addicted to coffee, hairspray and pastries.
