A lot of the emails and calls we get at KPRC 2 News is from people who are having issues with a business or company. We wanted to spell out the steps you can take if you have an issue you cannot resolve. Often people say they have called a company and sat on hold waiting for someone to answer. If you are having an issue with a company, you should get it in writing with an email or a letter to the company.
Watch the full Ask Amy episode here or in the video player above.
What to say (and not say) in a letter to a company you are having an issue with
- Start with a summary of the problem
- Include names of people within the company that you have communicated with and dates
- Tell them what you want and GIVE THEM A DEADLINE
- Ever heard someone say or wrote TLDR? that means, “Too long, didn’t read.” You do not want your letter to just go in the trash because someone can not understand what it is about within the first three sentences. (Side note: this goes for emails to us too! Get to the point right off the top.)
- Don’t insult. If you are a loyal customer, say that.
- CC” is your best friend. This stands for “carbon copy.” CC the Texas Attorney General’s office or even me (AskAmy@kprc.com), so they know you are working on the issue.
Wait for a response. If they do not respond by the date you have given them there are six things you should do next.
When you hit a roadblock with a company, follow these steps
1. Reach out to the company or tag them on social media.
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are the best places to tag and post your complaints. The company should see these messages but also other people will see the complaints too.

Connect with the company on social media. Whether it’s a warranty issue or trying to get a refund or something that you have paid for, using social media is one of the most effective and fastest ways to get a response from businesses today. Businesses have created entire departments, hiring people who do nothing but monitor social media and answer customers on Facebook and Instagram. While you feel like social media may be a violation of your privacy, it is a fantastic resource to get a business’ attention.
Companies do not want negative comments out in the public. A lot of companies have made cuts in customer service departments and added staff to monitor social media. You can also try just sending a direct message without making that public with the idea that someone is monitoring the account.
2. File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
You probably check reviews for just about everything, even when you have a problem. In a previous Ask Amy Episode, Amy talked with Better Business Bureau President Dan Parsons about using the BBB to get help with issues you are having with a company or business.
You’ll learn the review process, how complaints are handled, how the company ratings are scored, and why some businesses get kicked out.
3. File a complaint with the Texas Attorney General.
Before you file your complaint with the Texas Attorney General, take a moment to make sure you have all of your important information. The more details you can provide, the more effectively we can review your complaint. Important information includes:
- The name of the business or individual you’re filing a complaint against
- The business/individual’s full address, including zip code
- A detailed description of your complaint
- Explanation of how you came into contact with the business/individual
- Transaction dates and amounts
- Contact information (when appropriate) with payment details
- How you may have attempted to resolve the dispute, including the names of people you spoke with
4. Call me! Email me at askamy@kprc.com (or contact producer Andrea Slaydon at aslaydon@kprc.com)
5. Harris County Dispute Resolution Center
The Dispute Resolution Center is sponsored by the Houston Bar Association and funded through the Harris County Courts System. The “DRC” has been helping people resolve disputes since 1980. Services are FREE to residents of Harris County, Texas.
6. Consider filing a lawsuit
Filing in small claims court is effective. Now costs $124 with service. $49 without service. Start with a demand letter. Sometimes that is all that you need.