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Make your own apps with this $40 development masterclass

This bundle brings together 7 courses on app development, all taught by experienced educators and working developers in the field. (StackCommerce)

You don’t need to be a programmer or IT wizard to know that tech skills are the best way to future-proof your career. There are plenty of jobs out there both nationally and locally in the tech sector, and one of the most creative areas is app development.

Luckily for newcomers, it’s also one of the most accessible. The app market is wide open, and tools like Google’s Flutter make it easy for anyone to build their own apps for any device. All that you need is a little bit of training, and that’s where the 2022 Google Flutter and Solidity Development Bundle comes in.

This bundle brings together 7 courses on app development, all taught by experienced educators and working developers in the field. That includes the coders of Oak Academy, who have provided IT skills and career resources for hundreds of thousands of online students.

The courses typically run just a few hours, and you can take the hands-on lessons at your own pace. Beginners can start with a walkthrough on Flutter and Dart, another popular development platform. You can start with a few simple scripts and then move on to designing full working apps for your iOS or Android device. From there, you can move on to courses that incorporate newer tools like React, Firebase or Solidity — a great platform that will also let you create (and sell) your own NFTs.

Whether you plan to dive into the app marketplace with your own creation or simply design a targeted one that helps your current company, this bundle will show you how to do it without having to outsource. All seven courses are all up-to-date for 2022, and the entire bundle is now on sale for $39.99, a savings of hundreds from the total MSRP.

Prices subject to change.