Texas is coping with double hurricanes the best way it knows how — with hilarious memes

Brisket weather meme (KPRC)

HOUSTON – When it comes to severe weather, Texans’ response is slightly different from the rest.

While in every other state, grocery stores will limit how many non-perishable items a shopper can stock up on, in the Lone Star State H-E-B will limit brisket to a two per person.

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Additionally, shoppers in Texas might actually have better luck finding a case of water because Texans are also stocking up on booze and laughing while they’re at it.

Here are 10 memes that every Texan can relate to right about now:

1. This has been a public service announcement.

2. Only in Texas...

3. What a deal! 🙃

4. COVID-19 wasn’t torture enough, 2020?

5. We’re ready to move on to 2021.

6. How to measure a hurricane? With Cats!

7. Oh, it’s on!

8. We got it.

9. The low-hanging fruit joke:

10. Last-minute dash to the stores

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