Houston Zoo releases 25 sea turtles back to the Gulf after Texas freeze

2.2021 Boat Sea Turtle Release (© Kevin Kendrick)

HOUSTON – 25 green sea turtles were given a second chance to live and released back to the Gulf thanks to animal care professionals from the Houston Zoo.

Partnering with Texas A&M University-Galveston and Texas Parks and Wildlife, the zoo facilitated the rescue after last week’s winter storm, according to a news release.

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A total of 37 turtles were taken 13 miles offshore to the Trident, Texas A&M Galveston’s research vessel due to cold water temperatures.

Eleven of the turtles rescued continue to receive veterinary care from Houston Zoo and are not ready for release at this time, the news release said.

Those who find or accidentally catch a sea turtle are urged to call 1.866.TURTLE-5 so experts can provide the necessary care and assess the turtle if needed.

About the Author

A graduate of the University of Houston-Downtown, Ana moved to H-Town from sunny southern California in 2015. In 2020, she joined the KPRC 2 digital team as an intern. Ana is a self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur, a catmom of 3, and an aquarium enthusiast. In her spare time, she's an avid video gamer and loves to travel.