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Can you commit to 30 Days of Kindness on #GivingTuesday?

We’ve got 20 simple ways to spread kindness

#BeKind (Photo by Lisa from Pexels.)

On Giving Tuesday, there are an endless number of ideas out there on how to give, but quite possibly one of the simplest and most meaningful ways is by spreading kindness.

The act has so much power, and if we’re being honest, our world could always use a little more kindness, couldn’t it?

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Also, isn’t it such a great thing to show our youth? When we lead by example, consistently, it makes a bigger impact. And kindness can be so contagious. Perhaps you might even make a habit of it, long after the 30 days are up.

On Giving Tuesday, it seems suiting to commit to the cause. Here are a few simple yet meaningful ways you can spread kindness (for adults and children):

  1. Smile at someone and say hello.
  2. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while just to say hello and let them know you were thinking of them.
  3. Say please and thank you.
  4. Make eye contact and ask someone how they’re doing today.
  5. Open the door for someone.
  6. Invite someone to do something fun with you.
  7. Listen intently, without interrupting.
  8. Ask someone: “How can I help?”
  9. Tell your parents or children how much you appreciate them.
  10. Practice patience and understanding.
  11. Pay a compliment.
  12. Let someone go ahead of you in line.
  13. Donate unwanted items to someone who can use them.
  14. Offer your seat to someone.
  15. Wave at your neighbor.
  16. Buy a coffee for the person behind you in line.
  17. Acknowledge someone else’s kindness to you.
  18. Thank a service worker.
  19. Donate food to a shelter for the holidays.
  20. Show gratitude to a colleague who might be going unnoticed.

These are just 20 ideas, but we know there are at least hundreds more ways to be nice and show kindness.

Write yourself a sticky note as a reminder each day, if that’s what it takes to follow through. There’s no harm in it!

You can also ask your friends or family to make the commitment, too, and cast a wider kindness net.

What kind of ideas do you have? How will you be showing kindness?

Share with us in the comment section below, and it might just spread to someone else.