My interview with a solar eclipse expert:
Rice University professor of Physics & Astronomy, Patricia Reiff, has seen 22 total solar eclipses! I met with her asking what are best ways to see an eclipse no matter where you are. The above 7 minute video has a lot of examples what you can do if you don’t have solar eclipse glasses. And because the partial eclipse lasts around two and a half hours, you can do this even if you have glasses.
Let’s start with the fun:
During a partial eclipse the sun goes into the moon’s shadow. If you don’t have solar eclipse glasses you cannot look at the sun without damaging your eyes. Here are some things that will reflect the eclipse onto a surface so you are never looking directly at the sun.

Reader Glasses:
If you have 1X reader glasses at home you can create an excellent pin hole projector. If you don’t, you can buy these at the dollar store. Get a plastic cup and cut a 1/4″ hole in the bottom. Take the glasses apart and place one lens, curved side up and tape. During the eclipse hold the cup one meter away from the surface. Moving closer and farther away you’ll find the focus.

Fun creations with the kids:
If you already have glasses there are some fun creations you can make with the kids. And if you have the chance, buy card solar filters, these are great for little kids because they fit their face better.

If you have binoculars:
Do not use binoculars if you don’t have filters for them. There are ones you can buy or you can create a filter. A filter can be made by taking apart your solar eclipses glasses and taping them to the outside of your binoculars. Make sure no light is getting through.

Kids in school:
Monday April 8th is a school day. There are schools that will not let their students go outside to view the solar eclipse because of safety concerns. Professor Reiff has a solution for this. She created a banner teachers and schools can use to see the eclipse and not be outside.

And don’t forget we are giving away 10,000 KPRC 2 solar eclipse glasses this week. It’s part of our Spring Break Solar Blast! Hope you can make it out.