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Athletic trainers caution about student injuries after 2 years of online practices

BAYTOWN, Texas – After two years of many in-person practices and games canceled because of COVID-19, students are returning to athletics in full force. However, too much too soon can lead to injuries. Overuse injuries and ACL injuries are on the rise, especially in girls.

Katy Barger from Ross Sterling High School in Baytown said the last two years she’s been doing drills mostly online.

“It’s been a struggle for athletes to be able to come into the gym and train rather than being at home and not really putting in that much effort,” Barger said.

Now that the athletes are returning to the court or field, Houston Methodist athletic trainer Lauryn Pope said students need to be more cautious that they are at risk of injury.

“If your child is saying, ‘Hey I’m having knee pain, shoulder pain,’ something like this, I would encourage them to get in contact with their athletic trainer because that’s our job, that’s what we’re trying to look for,” Pope said.

Pope said the female frame, having wider hips, always makes them at increased risk for ACL tears, especially now.

“They are constantly changing, their physiology is constantly evolving. A lot of times will see kids that are just growing too fast for their muscles, tendons, ligaments to keep up with,” she said.

If you’re a student athlete suffering from a sports injury or have questions about a sports injury, Houston Methodist Baytown is hosting a clinic on Saturdays through November to learn more from the doctors, and getting x-rays and imaging.

About the Author
Haley Hernandez headshot

KPRC 2 Health Reporter, mom, tourist