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Houston nutritionist shares healthy elixirs to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions

A simple health hack to help you burn those extra holiday pounds

HOUSTON – If you’re looking for a way to lose your winter weight for the new year, there’s a simple drink that you can add to your morning routine to help you burn those extra calories. We are talking about elixirs. If this sounds like a magic potion, it’s not, but the health benefits from these easy-to-craft brews are not a trick. Certified nutritionist, Krystal Hammett with Alternative Wellness Solutions, explains what it is all about.


Alternative Wellness Solutions certified nutritionist Krystal Hammett shares how morning elixirs can help shed some unwanted pounds, (Copyright 2020 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)

“It’s just a really great easy habit to get in to really amplify your weight loss goals,” said Hammett.

Elixirs are simply water-based concoctions that you can mix and drink each morning at home. You likely already have most of the ingredients needed for these elixirs in your kitchen! It’s an easy health hack that you can add to your morning routine to help burn those unwanted extra pounds.


Alternative Wellness Solutions certified nutritionist Krystal Hammett shares how morning elixirs can help shed some unwanted pounds, (Copyright 2020 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)
  1. Warm or hot filtered water (8 - 16 oz.)
  2. Juice from half a lemon

Water in general is beneficial for your weight loss goals. Drinking water hydrates the body and is essential to optimal health, but did you know it also aids in weight loss? Hot or warm water of 98 degrees or higher kick starts your metabolism and detoxification pathways.

“Ideally ninety-eight-point-six degrees to match your internal body temperature. At this degree, you’re not shocking your body with cold water. Studies show you’re boosting that metabolism and even burning calories with this warmer water,” said Hammett.

Lemon has long been proven to help with weight loss. It contains a soluble fiber called pectin that expands your stomach and helps you feel full longer while also helping with healthy digestion. Plus, lemon water tastes great!

Here are Hammett’s 6 favorite beneficial ingredients to add to your hot lemon water elixir

Alternative Wellness Solutions certified nutritionist Krystal Hammett shares how morning elixirs can help shed some unwanted pounds, (Copyright 2020 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)

Hammett says you don’t need to add all six ingredients to your elixir. She suggests playing around with them and only adding two or three to your base depending on your health needs and flavor preferences.

“Something I like about the cayenne pepper and the ginger is that it promotes thermogenesis,” said Hammett. “You’re able to burn more calories without exerting any type of exercise, but there’s a lot of different combinations.”

  1. Cinnamon: perfect for those who struggle with increased blood sugar, glucose and A1C because cinnamon balances blood sugar naturally. By regulating blood sugar, you are much more likely to reach your ideal body weight. Cinnamon also boosts metabolism to burn more calories and suppresses appetite.
  2. Ginger: this herb has similar qualities to both cinnamon and cayenne. It is proven to manage blood sugar levels while also helping you achieve thermogenesis by increasing your internal body temperature. Ginger has some proven fat burning qualities and has been proven to raise metabolism by 20% for 3 hours.
  3. Cayenne Pepper: if you like spicy foods, this may be a good choice for you. Cayenne is known as the warming spice that helps to increase your internal body temperature and boost metabolism. This process is called thermogenesis. You are heating your body from the inside out to burn excess calories. You can even add cayenne to your meals throughout the day to burn an extra 100 calories per meal.
  4. Turmeric: this golden spice has been popular in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years and has tremendous health benefits, including aiding in weight loss. Studies show that it drives down inflammation to prevent obesity, it can reduce fat tissue growth, manage insulin levels, boost metabolism and curb your appetite.
  5. Cumin: cumin has long been used in traditional medicine for digestion and weight loss. Cumin, like many of the other herbs mentioned, helps to manage blood sugar levels. It also aids in weight loss due to its leading ingredient, thymoquinone, which has been proven to aid in detoxification.
  6. Apple Cider Vinegar: the benefits of the fermented apple vinegar dates all the way back to 5000 B.C. and has long been used for regulating blood sugar, curbing appetite, and controlling cravings. ACV helps you feel full longer so that you consume less calories, detoxifies the liver and improves circulation. In fact, studies show 2 tablespoons daily for 12 weeks results in 4 lb. weight loss.

Generally, an 1/8 of a teaspoon of each powder is a good starting point to add to your base.

However, with the spicy seasonings like cayenne pepper, you may just want to do just a dash or two.

“It’s more about incorporating them into your daily regimen than it is about the serving size. It should be palatable and somewhat enjoyable, so experiment with the flavors and the dosing and do what works for you. There’s no right or wrong way to incorporate these into your daily regimen,” said Hammett.

To contact Hammett., visit the Alternative Wellness Solutions website.