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Houston, here’s the perfect way to celebrate National Margarita Day

HOUSTON – After everything Houstonians have been through in the last week, and honestly the past year, everyone deserves a margarita that requires little effort to obtain.

So, we’ve got a great solution for you.

Celebrate the sacred holiday by indulging in a Rancho La Gloria Ready-To-Drink Margarita from H-E-B. If this isn’t the perfect way to kick off a Monday, I don’t know what is!

Rancho La Gloria Ready-ToDrink Margaritas (Rancho La Gloria Ready-ToDrink Margaritas)

You won’t have to venture out far and can enjoy the drink from the comfort of your home.

The process if simple, Rancho La Gloria Margarita Wine Cocktails come pre-mixed and in a variety of flavors – Classic Lime, Paloma, Mango, Watermelon, Strawberry and more! Simply grab your favorite flavor, pour over ice and enjoy! The agave is fermented like wine, so it has a lower alcohol, smoother finish and is made with 100% real juice. The wine cocktail is only $14 and best of all can be kept refrigerated up to 60 days after opening. Every day can be National Margarita Day!

For more information, visit
