How to properly care for poinsettias

Tips to get beautiful poinsettias all through the holidays

HOUSTON – Poinsettia season is in full swing.

Every December these beautiful plants help decorate homes all over Texas, and if you don’t have one in your house by now, you’re probably thinking about getting one.

Gardening expert, Jen McDonald from Garden Girls, shared her pro tips to help you pick the best poinsettias from the grocery store and properly care for them all through the holidays.

According to McDonald, healthy poinsettias thrive between 60-70 degrees and love humidity.

“If you see them displayed near the automatic doors at your grocery store, keep walking! These plants are very sensitive to cold and wind. If you purchase them on a cold day, ask the florist to wrap them in a paper for the ride home. Even a few minutes below 50 degrees will result in wilted leaves,” she said.

“Check the little yellow buds in the center of the plant. If they are tight, that’s the sign of a healthy plant. Also, feel the soil. It should be moist but not soaked. When you get home, remove the protective sleeve to expose the drainage holes. This will prevent root rot,” said the garden designer, who also explained that " If your leaves turn yellow or fall off, you’re probably overwatering.”

“Water, when the soil is dry to the touch, just a little bit of water, is perfect,” said McDonald.

To see McDonald’s complete recommendations, watch the video above.

To connect with McDonald, click here.
