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How to grow more veggies in less space with square foot gardening

HOUSTON – If you want to get your green thumb this spring but don’t have a big area available at home, there’s a gardening technique from the ‘70s making a comeback, which can help your veggies grow even in a limited space.

“The premise is simple: Using raised beds and a square foot lattice placed on top to visually separate the planting blocks, each square will have either 1, 4, 9 or 16 plants, depending on the size,” said Jen McDonald with Garden Girls, who explained all about square foot gardening to help you get started now that we’re finally seeing warmer days in Southeast Texas.

Square foot gardening chart from Garden Girls (Garden Girls)

You can see McDonald’s complete interview and tips in the video above.

Garden Girls is a new Houston kitchen garden design & installation company.

Garden Girls (Garden Girls)

The team even has a Garden Girl on wheels called Rosie, MacDonald’s 1961 horse trailer.

For a complete list of what to plant in March, including seeds and transplant veggies and herbs, check out their link below or click here.

About the Author
Beatriz Oliveros headshot

Beatriz is a producer for Houston life. She’s a dog mom who enjoys traveling and eating her way through new cities and cultures.
