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Join ‘Save The Brave’ as they roll into Houston for an event helping to protect veterans with PTS

HOUSTON – ‘Save the Brave’ is a 501(C)3 organization that connects military veterans from all over, with a goal to prevent those with PTS from suicide.

Every summer ‘Save The Brave’ members join up for a cross country motorcycle ride to raise funds for veterans, and tonight they are rolling into Houston for an event at St Arnold’s Brewery.

People are encouraged to join the ride from coast to coast, or from one city to the next.

According to, each day they ride about 150-400 miles and the fundraisers are always at fun local spots in the neighborhood.

Continue to follow along with their ride across the country as they raise awareness and stop Veteran suicide one mile at a time.

If you’d like more info about the the ride, or the organization, click HERE.

Watch as Lauren Kelly chats more about ‘Ride For The Brave’ with Scott Huesing, Executive Director of Save the Brave.

About the Author
Lauren Kelly headshot

Texas girl, favorite aunt, lucky wife, dog mom, Diet Coke connoisseur.
