The Doctor with a Mission to Turn off Pain

The Woodlands – Army Veteran Michael Tovar injured his back while serving in the military. Living in a world of nonstop pain he thought there was no hope of healing, until he began treatment at AK Pain & Spine Center.

“You don’t have to live with pain. There is a solution,” said Dr. Ankur Khosla. Working as a team along with nurse practitioners, Tara Draehn and Kelsey Duncan, Dr. Khosla is on a mission to turn off pain.

“Michael is one of our soldiers. And I think a lot of our vets are left with a bad back due to a lot of heavy packs or maybe repetitive stress injuries to the spine. Michael presented with a fracture in one of his bones in the spine, in one of the vertebrae,” Dr. Khosla told Houston Life.

Army Veteran Michael Tovar suffered "unbelievable" back pain before he turned to the team at AK Pain & Spine (Copyright 2023 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)

Michael retired from the Army because of his medical issue. “The pain was unbelievable. I could not sleep, I would wake up every hour or so. It was just a nightmare,” he said of the trouble he had with his back. Tearing up as he remembered the first time he saw an x-ray of his spine, “It looked like rocks.” Michael said he felt he had no hope.

But there was hope. Dr. Khosla and his team knew what might help.

First, Michael had a Kyphoplasty. Dr. Khosla explained how the procedure is like, “putting a cast on the inside... we fill it with a type of cement, that hardens, strengthens the bone, and helps participate in the biomechanics of the spine.”

"It looked like rocks," Army Veteran Michael Tovar said of the fracture in his spine. (Copyright 2023 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.)

Following this Michael had what is called a Minuteman procedure. Dr. Khosla has performed more of these than any other doctor in the country, and teaches others how it is done.

“And, the most important thing for Michael, is that the pain goes away right away,” said Dr. Khosla.

If it was not for these treatments, Michael said he would be homebound, suffering in pain.

“It is a game changer. I’m so happy and so grateful,” said Michael of finding Dr. Khosla and his team.

“If you’re hurting for any reason at all, let us take a chance to take a look at it. Find out the source and turn it off for you right away,” said Dr. Khosla.

Because they believe no one should wait in pain, AK Pain and Spine Center offer same day or next day appointments available. Plus, there are five locations including the Woodlands. Give them a call them at 281-896-0013 or visit them online at AK Pain & Spine Center.

Watch the full Houston Life story in the video above.

About the Author
Melanie Camp headshot

Melanie Camp is a correspondent on KPRC 2’s Houston Life.