How one program is helping brain trauma and stroke survivors maximize their potential

Specialized services focus on community integration skills critical for transition to independent living following brain injury

HOUSTON – For brain injury patients or stroke survivors, learning to live again requires a different set of skills.

For more than 20 years, the Challenge Program at TIRR Memorial Hermann has been helping clients meet and exceed their personal recovery goals.

Recently, speech-language pathologist Veronica Garcia-Lechuga and TIRR patient Al Danto, were guests on Houston Life.

[Watch the full interview above]

TIRR Memorial Hermann’s Challenge Program

The Challenge Program provides a comprehensive range of services to help brain injury and stroke survivors maximize their potential, celebrating milestones and successes through each step of recovery.

Specialized services within the program focus on community integration skills that are critical for the transition to independent living, school, work or volunteer activities following brain injury. The outpatient day-treatment approach addresses the physical abilities, memory strategies, interpersonal communication and problem-solving skills needed for long-term success.

The purpose of rehabilitation is to build strength, new skills and confidence to continue daily activities, despite the effects of the brain injury. On average, clients participate in the Challenge Program for four months. Diagnoses of the clients admitted to the program may include:

  • Acquired brain injury
  • Brain tumor
  • Infection of the brain
  • Brain hemorrhage
  • Stroke
  • Hypoxia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease

Goals in the program focus on improving:

  • Mobility skills such as safety, endurance, balance and walking independently on different types of terrain.
  • Speech and language communication skills.
  • Thinking skills such as memory and problem-solving.
  • Emotional adjustment and social interaction in the home, community and workplace.

For more information about the TIRR Memorial Hermann Challenge Program, please visit or call 713-222-2273.
