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Plant lovers unite for the first ever PlantCon this weekend at NRG!

HOUSTON – Whether you love plants and gardening or you are wanting to get your green thumb… this weekend there’s an event for you!

Plant enthusiasts are gathering at NRG Center for Houston’s inaugural plant convention, PlantCon, a 2-day plant extravaganza where you can find a 100-vendor plant market with sellers from the Houston area and around the globe.

The event promotes sustainability and eco-consciousness, with a focus on supporting minority small business owners and helping them grow their businesses through classes, workshops, training, and seminars.

Kenny Nguyen, founder and director of PlantCon stopped by Houston Life with details about the event and even brought 4 plants you can find at the convention and that will be perfect for your home.

His 4 picks are unusual plants that you can absolutely grow in Houston, they are 2 tropical and 2 visually striking varieties that are easy to care for and will look amazing on your Instagram.

Check out his complete interview and care tips in the video above.

Tropical Plants:


-Vendor: Nirvana Tropicals

- Lighting: Since the father plant (Texas Jose Buono) never loses its variegation we do believe that the variegation of this new Hybrid will also be stable.

- However, since the leaves are variegated, they will need bright indirect lighting to keep up a better and brighter variegation.

- Water: Water once a week (Maybe twice a week in the summer) depending on how fast the airy Aroid mix dries up in which the plant is growing.

- Fun fact: Born in Houston. It is Texas’ own baby.


- Vendor: Living & Growing

- Lighting: bright indirect light

- Water: Water when dry bottom watering is preferable

- Fun fact: Some species of this genus are grown for food.

Unusual/Visually Appealing Plants:


-Vendor: Airheads for Airplants

-Lighting: Duratii thrives under a range of light, water, and temperature conditions. When water and light are in abundance, the Durati can grow very large with less curl to its leaves.

-Water: Drought tolerant

-Fun fact: This Duratii is 40-50 years old. Bloom spikes can last about 6 months and they “smell like heaven”


-Vendor: Orchid Express

-Lighting: No direct sunlight, anywhere inside or outside.

-Water: Water once a week, get the root system as wet as possible, and then let it dry out completely before watering again.

-Fun fact: In their natural habitat, they can get big enough to bring down a tree. Can grow as big as two tons.

PlantCon International 2023 is happening May 19-20, 2023. General admission tickets are $25 and will give you access to both days. Day passes are only $20.

For tickets and more information about PlantCon, click here.

About the Authors

Petite powerhouse with a love for TV, especially sci-fi and drama. Proud aunt to two nieces and one nephew. Favorite quote: “Not all those who wander are lost.” Embracing life’s adventures, one episode at a time.