Rania Mankarious of Crime Stoppers Houston shares tips to help navigate social media usage for kids

HOUSTON – This is something almost every parent can relate to --- the influence of social media on your kids.

As fun as it is to connect with old friends, or stay in touch with out of town family, social media can also play many negative roles in someone’s mental health.

According to recent studies -- too much exposure to social media can negatively impact your child’s mental health. But as a parent, how do you limit its use?

Rania Mankarious, CEO of Crime Stoppers Houston is chatting all about the risks of children using social media.

Watch as Rania shares a few tips on safely navigating social media and avoiding the lasting harmful effects.

Rania’s book – ‘The Online World, What You Think You Know and What You Don’t’ is available wherever books are sold.

About the Author
Lauren Kelly headshot

Texas girl, favorite aunt, lucky wife, dog mom, Diet Coke connoisseur.
