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The Dash Foundation honors and uplifts the special needs community

Houston – Timothy Glover grew up in the foster system before being adopted at the age of nine. Now, he’s using those experiences as child to do something bigger.

After his wife fell ill in 2022, he decided to DoorDash with her to spend more time together and meet new people. When he realized people were not coming to the door for their food, he decided to switch things up to make himself stand out.

That thought turned into the hometown name “Dash Gordon.” He’s the superhero in a bright red suit serving up meals and smiles. As the community caught wind of what he was doing he became more and more popular, showing up at events, finally getting to meet new people, and creating The Dash Gordon Foundation.

He used his new success to shed light on the special needs community. Over the last year The Dash Gordon Foundation has hosted parties, events, and a pageant to uplift and honor the special needs community.

Check out our video above for more on The Dash Gordon Foundation.

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