Kids use potty-training chairs at Utah restaurant

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LEHI, Utah – A woman at a popular Utah deli saw what she thought were children at a nearby table sitting on booster sits. But instead, the woman realized the children were actually using potty-training seats next to other diners on Tuesday.

The woman snapped a picture of the twins and posted it on Facebook.

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"I noticed this lady was having her two, she had two twins, two little girls about 2 1/2 years old, sitting on what I thought were booster seats," Kimberly Decker said.

But they were child port-a-potties.

"She had to undo the jumpsuits and take them all the way down so they were completely nude, with the jumpsuits down to their ankles, just eating their chicken nuggets, sitting on little toddler potties," Decker said.

"The more you thought about it, the more unappetizing everything looked around me," Decker said. "I was like, 'This is not OK. We're eating. There was a business meeting with about five or six businessmen going on right next to me. The place was packed."

A spokeswoman for the deli, Thanksgiving Point, said they received several complaints from patrons. The staff didn't realize what was going on until after it was already over, but she added they would have asked the woman to leave and take the potty training into the restroom.

"I think state and local health codes were probably an issue, as well as just social norms," spokeswoman Erica Brown said.

There's no word yet on if the health department will pursue action.