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Alvin High School teacher charged with indecency with a child under 14

ALVIN, Texas – David Eugene Romano, a culinary arts teacher at Alvin High School, has been charged with indecency with a child under the age of 14, according to the Brazoria County Sheriff's Office.

Investigators said the relationship lasted two years.

Romano, 50, was also a reserve unpaid police officer for Hillcrest Village Police Department in Alvin and a SCUBA instructor at Dave's Scuba Adventures in Alvin, according to authorities.

On Jan 20, authorities said they learned that Romano engaged in sexual contact with a child on more than one occasion.

The district said the incidents did not involve a child that attends Alvin High School.

In order to protect the identity of the child, authorities are not releasing any more information at this time.

Romano's neighbors were surprised to hear the allegations.

"It's kind of freaky, especially with the girls and knowing it's somebody right down the road that does something like that," Betty Seymour said.

"I got girls. I'm glad he's gone out of here," Darren Rigby said.

Romano's family had no comment on the situation.

KPRC will provide updates when they become available.

Here's a statement from the Alvin Independent School District:

"On the afternoon of January 25th, two Brazoria County Sheriff's Deputies arrived at Alvin High School. The Deputies indicated that they were conducting an active investigation of the Alvin High School Culinary Arts Teacher. The allegations and subsequent investigation were based on an inappropriate relationship with a child.

"The individual was immediately placed on administrative leave and not permitted to have interaction with students. Alvin ISD officials immediately contacted Child Protective Services, notified the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) and continued to support law enforcement through their investigation.

"On January 30, 2017, the Brazoria County Sherriff’s Department obtained a warrant to arrest the individual on charges of Indecency with a Child and is being held on a $100,000 bond. The incident that was the basis of the allegations and arrest did not involve a child that attends Alvin High School or a child that was under his direction in any professional capacity.

"Alvin ISD Superintendent, Dr. Buck Gilcrease expressed, “I’m deeply saddened and disgusted that someone entrusted to serve the children of our community would violate this trust. I personally, along with all resources available to Alvin ISD, will do everything possible to assist with the legal investigation.  Alvin ISD is in contact with our attorney regarding the formal termination of this individual. Our Board of Trustees has called a special meeting specifically for this purpose.”

"Parents place a great deal of trust in our District. Although this alleged behavior was not related to the individual’s professional capacity, Alvin ISD will take all available actions to ensure the children of our community are protected.

"Parents and students that have concerns following this notice are encouraged to share those with administrators or counselors at their child’s campus or by calling Alvin ISD administration at (281)388-1130.  If you have information regarding the investigation, please contact:

"The Alvin ISD Police Department 

"Brazoria County Sherriff’s Department 