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More help given to Angleton couple in need

ANGLETON, Texas – At church, on their knees, Janiece and Richard Sullivan have been praying for a miracle, because faith is just about all they have left.

“It’s hard to ask for help, but when you got to have help you’ve got to have help,” Richard said, with his voice shaking and tears in his eyes.

Janiece sums up the dark financial hole that this couple has fallen into.

“We’ve been eating pancake mix for the last six days, that’s how desperate we are, because we don’t have nothing in the house to eat. We don’t have the money to buy anything,” Janiece said.

When KPRC first met the Sullivans we were working to get their 16-year-old, wreck of a car repaired and made drivable again.

They had no food in the house and had stopped taking the numerous prescription drugs they need because they couldn't afford to buy more.

That’s when our generous Channel 2 viewers stepped up in a big way.

“It just broke my heart when I saw their empty refrigerator and pantry”, says Carrie Marquis, who called $200 to the struggling couple.

“My wife and I just both said at the same time that we wanted to give the Sullivans $200 … their story was so difficult to watch and to imagine,” Marquis said.

Cutting grass on a large tractor was 20-year-old Andrew England, a hardworking college student, running his own field-clearing business and paying his way through school.

Although he works hard at his business, he could not wait to donate $500 to the Sullivans.

“Well, there’s a lot of people who helped me out, especially my father who got me started, and it’s always a good thing to help somebody else too," he said.

And from The Way Church in The Woodlands, a group of volunteers brought the Sullivan’s a carload of fresh food, groceries and several gift baskets filled with beauty products to keep the family well fed and healthy and clean.

And then there is Randy Hartley, one of Bill’s Brigade’s biggest, most generous contributors. He came through with a check for $1,000 for the struggling couple.

“We are all just trying to make the family, Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan’s life move from a negative situation to a positive situation.  I just had to help them,” Randy said, getting emotional.

Now, the Sullivans have a kitchen filled with food and the money they need to buy the prescription drugs they need.

KPRC worked to transform their broken-down Ford Explorer and made it like brand new, so they can now travel to and from their many doctor appointments, and we have got them on a regular food donation program that will provide food for them on a regular basis.

Thank you to all of the fantastic people who made this rescue a success. 

A special note about England, the college student running his own business -- he works clearing large parcels of land with his tractor and would love to do work with the city of Houston.

If you need help with a problem you can’t possibly solve by yourself, contact Spencer Solves It at 713-223-TIPS (8477) or email us at

About the Author
Bill Spencer headshot

Emmy-winning investigative reporter, insanely competitive tennis player, skier, weightlifter, crazy rock & roll drummer (John Bonham is my hero). Husband to Veronica and loving cat father to Bella and Meemo.