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Ceremonies mark 75th anniversary of USS Houston sinking

HOUSTON – A variety of events throughout Houston will mark the 75th anniversary of the sinking of the USS Houston.

The 93-year-old widow of a well-known seaman, Otto Schwarz, who served aboard the USS Houston, attended Wednesday’s remembrance event.

"He loved his service. He loved being in the Navy and the ship itself was always what the term is now spit and polish," Trudy Schwarz said.

Schwarz's husband, Otto, joined the navy when he was 17.  The two were married for almost 60 years.

"Even when the ship finally took its final dive to sink, the flag was still flying and that stayed with many of them," Trudy Schwarz said. 

The USS Houston was lost in a battle against overwhelming odds. Commissioned at the beginning of the Great Depression, the Houston was a design compromise due to treaty limitations. This week, there are events all over Houston to remember the well-known ship that sunk.

[PHOTOS: 75th anniversary of USS Houston's sinking]

There are only four survivors left, all over 90 years old, and none will attend. However widows, spouses, sons and daughters will attend ceremonies this week.

The USS Houston Survivors Association and Next Generations' Annual Memorial Service will be held Saturday at 3:30 p.m. at the USS Houston Monument at Sam Houston Park at 1100 Bagby Street. The public is available to attend.

More information is available at

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Reporter, family-oriented, sports fanatic, proud Houstonian.