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Hanging Trump Halloween decoration causing a stir in 2nd Ward

HOUSTON – There's an elaborate Halloween display outside a home in Houston's 2nd Ward.

It has your typical ghosts, goblins and killer characters.

And then there's Donald Trump.

Actually, there's a mannequin wearing a Trump mask and hanging from a noose.

It's an image that has gone viral with more than 10,000 shares on Facebook.

Homeowner Mark Rodriguez said he decided to mix his dislike of Trump into his Halloween decorations.

"Somebody asked me, 'Hey, how would you feel if they hung Hillary Clinton?' said Rodriguez. "I said, 'Well, if they chose to do that and it wasn't my property, I couldn't say nothing.'"

Rodriguez is Latino and said one of the reasons he opposes Trump and decided to put up the display is precisely because of Trump's comments about Hispanic immigrants, which Rodriguez and others have found offensive.

In another part of our region, the Trump name is getting a little more respect.

In the Austin County town of Bellville, a restaurant owner is expressing his support of the Republican presidential candidate by changing the name of his restaurant from the Bellville Cafe to Trump Cafe.

He's even changed the menu to offer what he calls "wholesome American dishes" and he said it's not a gimmick to increase profits.

"The community here is very small community and very tight community, and majority in this town are Republican," said owner Eddie Hawa. "We done it not to get more business. We done it to support the president."

Hawa is a Palestinian Muslim and is originally from Israel.

When asked if he was offended about any of Trump's statements regarding Islamic terror and Islamic immigrants, he said he's never been offended because he knows Trump is not talking about people like him.

About the Author
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Emmy Award-winning anchor, husband, dad, German Shepherd owner, Crossfitter, Game of Thrones junkie, chupacabra hunter.