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'Houston Newsmakers' March 11: Fighting crime in Houston's 3rd Ward

After two children were shot in Houston’s Third Ward last week, elected officials and community members have called for solutions to the problem.

Houston City Council Member Dwight Boykins (District D) was a guest on "Houston Newsmakers with Khambrel Marshall" and said efforts are being made within the community to improve conditions.

“What we’re trying to do now is make certain that we can have something for the kids to be involved in but let me be clear for those kids who choose not to take advantage of programs and opportunities and they continue to break the laws…we’re going to get 'em.”

Boykins and community leaders have several ideas in the works and he discusses them on this week’s program.


There are an estimate 250,000 people with outstanding warrants in the city of Houston. Municipal Court director and presiding judge Elaine Marshall said the court’s amnesty program will end on March 16, so now’s the time to take care of those warrants.

“You come in to see a judge. We handle your cases,” she said. “If you have failure to appears, your first failure to appear is dismissed. The prosecutors have agreed to do that. The underlying cases that you have warrants on are handled in a manner that helps you get rid of all these things that are hanging over you.”

Everyone, and especially those impacted by Hurricane Harvey, have an opportunity to clear the slate, Marshall said.


Their son Connor died before he was 5 years old, the victim of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma or DIPG.

“It’s a parent’s worst nightmare,” Alexis Olympia said. “To hear that your child has a brain tumor, that there are limited treatment options and that there is no cure. That feeling of helplessness is indescribable.”

She and husband Peter have turned their grief into a passion to fight DIPG and to raise awareness and money to do so. The second annual Strike out DIPG bowling event will be held March 25 at Bowlmor Lanes.

Details are on this week’s program. 

"Houston Newsmakers" airs Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.

•    Dwight Boykins, Houston City Council District D, 832-393-3001,  email:  Twitter:@DwightBoykins
•    Judge Elaine Marshall, Director & presiding judge, Houston Municipal Courts, 311 or 713-837-0311  Twitter: @HoustonmunCourt 

•    Alexis and Peter Olympia,  Connorman Foundation ,   email: