Hurricane Harvey: The long road to recovery still hasn’t ended for many in Houston

HOUSTON – It’s been nearly three years since Harvey hammered the Houston area and yet, there are still those who haven’t fully recovered.

The City of Houston and the State of Texas have been locked in a battle over how to manage the rebuilding effort. In March, the Texas General Land Office came to an agreement with Harris County to take over the rebuilding efforts.

The City of Houston had a different opinion when approached by the state. Now the two sides are in court. Last week, a temporary restraining order was issued against the GLO in their attempts to take over the post-Harvey repairs and reconstruction of homes in Houston.

On Tuesday, ten state legislators made their case to the court of appeals that a ruling by a lower court last week deprives Houston residents of support and may ultimately jeopardize federal funding designated for recovery efforts in Houston. They believe the GLO should take over the City of Houston’s recovery efforts.

“We pay taxes and sometimes you feel like you are paying taxes for nothing. Man, I’m pay taxes and can’t get any help,” said homeowner Casandra Lewis.

Lewis is not alone in her assessment. Another homeowner we spoke with Geneva Mitchell shares in her frustration.

”Some of us in this area were just, we’re just forgotten about,” Mitchell said. Both are now working with and seeing progress through the GLO, as the temporary restraining order does not impact their rebuilding efforts.

About the Author
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Journalistic bulldog focused on accountability and how government is spending your dollars. Husband to Wonder Woman, father to a pitcher and two Cavapoos. Prefers queso over salsa.