2 sought in store clerk's slaying may be linked to string of robberies

HOUSTON – Two men being sought in connection with the slaying of a store clerk in northwest Harris County last week may be connected to a rash of robberies.

Donna Pena was working Friday night at the Shell gas station at the corner of FM Road 1960 and Perry Road when she was shot and killed. 

Harris County deputies released surveillance video of the two men believed to be responsible for her death, saying the armed men entered the store about 9:44 p.m. They said the men were in the store for less than a minute before they fled on foot.

VIDEO: Pair sought in FM 1960 robbery

Deputies said one of the men was wearing a distinctive blue hooded sweatshirt with the word "Navy" printed on both the front and back and a bandana over his face. That same sweatshirt has been seen in surveillance video of at least one other robbery, deputies said.

The second man is wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt and a red bandana covering his face.

Investigators said they believe the same men may have been involved in as many as 10 robberies in Harris County.

VIDEO: Deputies discuss Donna Pena case
