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Local woman makes protective face shields for first responders

HOUSTON – Amber Leung is stuck at home but is making the most of it. She is hard at work making protective face shields to give away to first responders.

“This will help keep things from striking their face and getting into their eyes nose and mouth,” she said.

She is using a 3D printer she bought about a year ago. She used the machine to make model while teaching as a Texas Master Naturalist.

American is facing a healthcare supply shortage, specifically personal protection equipment.

Leung has family working on the frontlines in Philadelphia hospitals and friends, who are first responders. She said she felt the need to help out.

“Of course we’re worried about them, but we’re worried about everyone who is working hard to take care of COVID patients right now,” said Leung.

After downloading files to plug into the printer and the buying material needed, Leung got started. It cost a little more than 30 cents to print and assemble to masks.

The only downside is the time. Leung said each face shield takes about 6 hours to be completed at a rate of about 3 to 4 per day.

Still, she said she doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon.

“Just want to do everything that we can, even the small little thing to help out,” she said.

She shared a similar message for others, who have the ability to produce items: get started.

”This is actually possible and it’s very relatively easy, relatively inexpensive. Get involved and start creating things that people can actually use to protect themselves,” said Leung.

About the Author
Jonathan Martinez headshot

Galveston-born, award-winning journalist, dog owner, foodie & occasional golfer.
