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Ask 2: Are there still occupancy limits for churches?

Stock image of a church. (Image by Sylvea Angilique Sinclaire from Pixabay)

HOUSTONAt KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our new Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston.

The original question: All these businesses opening at 50% and 75%, when will churches be allowed at more than 25%?

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The answer: There is no longer an occupancy limit for religious services conducted in churches, congregations and houses of worship, according to Gov. Gregg Abbott’s latest executive order to safely reopen Texas.

Facilities and the public should continue to follow minimum standard health protocols laid out by the Texas Department of State Health Services, per Abbott’s Phase III plan to open the Texas economy, which began last week.

Health protocols for churches or places of worship were updated on May 26. Some include:

  • Those who are 65 and older or with at-risk health factors are still strongly encouraged to watch or participate in the service remotely.
  • An area inside the facility should be reserved for the at-risk population or facilities should offer a service for at-risk population attendees only.
  • Ensure there is proper spacing between attendees.

To view the updated health protocols checklist for churchgoers, click here.

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