60-year-old man killed in fire at group home for people with special needs

HOUSTON – Firefighters are investigating a blaze that left one person dead at a group home for people with special needs in southwest Houston Tuesday morning.

William Habermas lives at the group home. He said the fire broke out around 5:30 a.m.

“I didn’t want no one to die,” Habermas said.

He tried to get all the residents to safety and grabbed a fire extinguisher to fight the flames.

“I tried to push it away with a fire extinguisher, but it wouldn’t go away,” Habermas said.

Fire and smoke took over the home and Habermas was forced to retreat. Firefighters said six residents made it out safely, but a man in his sixties died among the flames at the home located in the 6100 block of Gladewell.

Officials say the owner of the home is moving the displaced residents to another group home nearby. A state inspector will also look over the home to ensure everything was within regulations according to firefighters.

Arson investigators are working to determine the cause of the fire.

About the Authors

Prairie View A&M University graduate with a master’s degree in Digital Media Studies from Sam Houston State. Delta woman. Proud aunt. Lover of the color purple. 💜
