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Civility in politics: Is it possible?

State Senator says yes

The political vitriol has been increasing through the years and is now reaching what seems to be a peak. Republican State Senator Paul Bettencourt is a guest on this week’s Houston Newsmakers with Khambrel Marshall and says the key to having meaningful discussions hinges on being able to do several things well.

  • Recognize the obvious.
  • Don’t be afraid to agree with political rivals when its about truth.
  • Make decisions based on facts and not hot air.

See the details and much more in this week’s program AND on Houston Newsmakers EXTRA.

Domestic Violence Disparities

The “Stronger Houston” report this week is about the challenges facing people of color who are dealing with domestic violence. Maisha Colter is the CEO of AVDA, (Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse) and says the demographic make up of their clients represents the ethnic makeup of the Houston community. She says the pandemic highlights an already challenging way of life. “The pandemic has escalated the level of stress that people are experiencing and as a consequence we’re seeing that play out in communities that were already stressed as a result of the patterns of domestic abuse that they resorted to.”

The Houston Area Women’s Center provides a safe place for those trying to escape domestic violence. Emilee Dawn Whitehurst is the President and CEO and says the increased cases may have stressed the system but the HAWC response has been focused. “We’ve been able to provide safety on demand through expansion of our emergency housing program in hotels,” she said. “Because what we do not want people to feel like they have to do is stay quarantined with someone who is violent. That’s not the answer.” See more of this important discussion on Sunday morning at 10:30 and on this domestic violence Newsmakers EXTRA.

MD Anderson Blood Needs

“We are the number one cancer center in the region and our patients are highly dependent on transfusions for their care.” That is what Dr. Kimberly Klein said as MD Anderson prepares for a very important community blood drive on three days next week. “We need about 200 units of red cells every day and 600 unites of platelets to support our patients daily.” Find out how to sign up by watching this week’s program or get the facts in the “more information” section below.

Watch this week’s Houston Newsmakers Sunday morning at 10:30am

More Information:

Paul Bettencourt, (R) State Senator, District 7-Houston

· Website:

· Phone: 713-464-0282

· Twitter: @TeamBettencourt

Maisha Colter, CEO Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA)

· Website:

· Phone: 713-224-9911

· Phone: Hotline-(800)799-7233

· Twitter: @AVDA_TX

· Email:

Emilee Dawn Whitehurst, President & CEO Houston Area Women’s Center

· Website:

· Phone: 713-528-3625

· Phone: 713-528-2121

· Email:

Kimberly Klein, M.D., MD Anderson Cancer Center

· Websi

· Phone: 855-796-0676

· Phone: 713-500-5349

· Twitter: @MDAndersonNews

· Email: