Water, power could take up to 2 months to restore for residents in Lake Charles

There’s still a long road to recovery for people in Lake Charles. It could take up to two months before water and power is restored to the area.

KPRC 2 spoke to one family who didn’t have insurance but plans to rebuild their home.

“It’s just emotional coming down the road just glad to still have a roof,” Jimmy Cormier said.

It’s been a week since Hurricane Laura slammed into Southeast Louisiana.

“Lost, lost I guess that’s just about it,” Heather Mouton said. “We came that next day and come through we were lucky to get through, but we had people who moved all the logs out the roads just praying a lot of praying.”

Hoping for the best, Mouton and her son, Jimmy, stared at their home in the Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

“I was born here, this is all we have,” she said.

There’s damage everywhere in Lake Charles. We spotted a home that was flipped upside down with trees toppled on top of it.

“It could be a lot worse. I had a wooden cross in my front (yard), so I think that’s what saved us,” she said.

Mouton and her son are counting their blessings. They had damage to their roof.

“There’s some mold inside, water leak from the roof, tore the sheetrock on the ceiling. It’s buckled in two places just waiting for it to fall through I guess,” Jimmy said.

They’re trying to keep the mold under control, but the heat and humidity only makes things worse.

“There’s no running water but there (are) places that give water, but there is no way to keep it cold,” Mouton said. “Just trying to get things moved out the way and rebuild.”

Mouton said they have family in Ragley, Louisiana. She was told it could take up to two months before power and water are restored.