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Houston Newsmakers: Harris County ballot battle rages

County Clerk says law is on his side

Who should be able to vote by mail? Texas state law spells it out but interpretation is everything this political season. The state of Texas has one view while Harris County has another. Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins is a guest this week on Houston Newsmakers and says the state of Texas is using legal tactics to keep eligible voters from having the opportunity to vote. “We’ve been to court here in Harris County, and we won because the law’s on our side,” he said. “They appealed and we won again, because the law is on our side and now they’re appealing again because they want to delay this information getting to Harris County voters as long as they can.” You can decide if he’s right by watching this week’s program and also Newsmakers EXTRA with Harris County Interim Clerk Chris Hollins.

Where voting exclusively by mail is successful

Much has been made about the expected increase in voting by mail this election season. Which ways are safe? Are any of them fool-proof? KPRC Investigates reporter Mario Diaz went to Oregon to look at that system which is considered the gold standard for voting by mail. He is also a guest on this week’s program to talk about what works best, how they’ve made it work and whether or not that system could work in Texas.

Maternity Care Deserts lead to higher death rates

The United States is among the most dangerous developed nations in which to give birth according to the March of Dimes. Stacey Stewart is the President and CEO of the March of Dimes and says the health equity gap in this country is responsible for an unacceptable maternal mortality rate, especially among women of color where the death rate is three times that of White women. “Income and race and ethnicity, those should not be barriers to whether or not you’re able to have a successful and healthy pregnancy,” Stewart said. "And whether you’re able to survive your childbirth simply because you lack the funds that many women may need. See her interview on this week’s program and more on Houston Newsmakers EXTRA with President Stacey Stewart.

Houston Newsmakers Sunday mornings at 10:30am

More Information:

Chris Hollins, (D) Harris County Clerk

· Website:

· Twitter: @HarrisVotes

Mario Diaz, KPRC Investigates

· Website:

· Twitter: @KPRC2Mario

Stacey Stewart, President & CEO, The March of Dimes

· Website:

· Twitter: @MarchOfDimes