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Best buds won’t let families’ opposing political views interfere with friendship or business

PEARLAND, Texas – Damien Mears and Peyton Colbert are two 11-year-olds from Pearland.

They are best friends. They go to school together. They play video games together.

And they’ve even started their own business together, making balloon towers for birthday parties and other events.

“We were bored sitting in quarantine,” said Mears. “So we were like, ‘Hey. Yo, let’s make a business.’”

With guidance from their parents, the friends agree on just about every business decision with little debate.

But, speaking of debate, Thursday night will be the second and final debate between President Donald Trump and former vice president Joe Biden. Colbert and Mears’ parents, like much of the nation, will be watching.

And these best friends know who their families are pulling for.

“Trump because that’s mostly what my family’s doing,” Mears said.

Colbert’s family plans to go in the opposite direction.

“My family is mostly towards Joe Biden,” he said.

But this pair doesn’t let politics get in the way of business. While the two are several years away from being able to vote themselves, they see the current political divide and hope to one day not be part of.

“That doesn’t really separate us that much,” Colbert said. “Because no matter who you vote for it shouldn’t really determine who you are as a person.”

His best friend agrees.

“For whoever people are going for people automatically think that they’re a bad person because of that,” added Mears. “And really I think that people can vote or whatever for different people but they can still be close.”

Colbert and Mears say business has slowed since the restart of school but they are still receiving orders.

About the Author
Keith Garvin headshot

Emmy Award-winning anchor, husband, dad, German Shepherd owner, Crossfitter, Game of Thrones junkie, chupacabra hunter.
