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Funeral arrangements for HCSO Sgt. Bruce Watson set for next week

Sgt. Bruce Watson, a 20-year department veteran, was killed in a crash after finishing an off-duty job leading a funeral procession, according to the HCSO. (Harris County Sheriff's Office/KSAT)

HOUSTON – The funeral arrangements for Harris County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Bruce Watson have been set for next Tuesday. The service will take place at Grace Community Church in southeast Houston.

Watson, 51, was killed in a fatal collision in the Pearland area on Jan. 2. He was on his way home after finishing an off-duty job leading a funeral procession.

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Watson was a 20-year department veteran and a proud U.S. Army veteran.

The public visitation will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. with strict public health measures enforced. While the service will begin at 10:30 a.m.

The church is located at 14505 Gulf Freeway.

HCSO Sheriff Ed Gonzalez will be among those offering remarks.

The service will be followed by a ceremony with honors, including a U.S. and Texas flag folding and presentation to family, a 21-gun salute and the playing of Taps.

A procession to Houston National Cemetery will immediately follow the law enforcement honors.

Watson will receive burial honors from the U.S. Army.

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