Woman says man exposed himself to her while she was walking in The Heights

THE HEIGHTS – One Heights resident wants to warn others about her horrific encounter during her Sunday walk.

Lauren Hammelman said a man followed her in a car and then exposed himself and yelled inappropriate things to her before taking off.

Now, Hammelman is sounding the alarm and hoping that this man is caught.

Hammelman was walking her dogs Sunday evening in the Heights, the neighborhood she has lived in for more than 10 years.

“This was very shocking to say the least,” Hammelman said.

Hammel said it was around 5:30 p.m. when she was walking down Arlington and had just passed 14th Street with her three dogs: 115-lbs Jake, 65-lbs Dixie and 16-lb Trey.

“We just passed this intersection at 14th and Arlington, and I felt a car slowing down behind me,” Hammelman said.

She thought, perhaps, someone needed help.

“’Is he lost? Does he need help or something?’ " Hammelman thought.

But instead, Hammelman was disgusted by what she experienced. She said the driver stopped and opened the door while engaging in inappropriate activities while trying to talk with her.

“[The driver] pulled up in front of me, opened the car door, and he didn’t have any pants on and he’s pleasuring himself and also says, ‘I want to [expletive] you,’ " Hammelman said. “I screamed and ran away with all three dogs.”

Hammelman described the driver as a man in his 30s. She said he drove away in a Gray Toyota 4-Runner. She filed a report, which she said was sent to the Houston Police Department.

“I want him in jail. I want him paying for his actions,” Hammelman said. “You know, I feel like I’m the lucky one in this case because it could have been a child that he did this to.”

She said other neighbors posted that they had at least two other encounters with whom they believe is the same suspect and vehicle. Hammelman said she hopes for more patrol in this neighborhood.

“If he can do this to me with these three dogs, then he can do it to just about anybody,” Hammelman warned.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (713) 521-4600 or Houston Police.