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Pandemic Pivot: Changing careers during a pandemic

ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) – On average, a person will change their careers three to seven times throughout their lifetime. But with millions of people laid off and out of work, changing careers may seem out of the question. But that’s exactly what is happening. A new poll shows two out of three people who lost their jobs last year are switching professions. How do you know you’re ready and can successfully make the change?

Money and work-life balance –these are the top two reasons people change careers. Add on coronavirus, and millions of people are doing the pandemic pivot—re-evaluating their career choice and changing it.

Two big questions to ask yourself first—do you really want to change careers or do you not like working during a pandemic? And—are you unhappy with your specific job or your career choice? Knowing the difference is important. If you still want to change careers, know why? What does your new job look like? What will be the upside and downside of a new career? Figure out new skills that will be needed. Make an action plan and timeline. Shift your branding on social media and mobilize your posse. Pick your most trusted contacts and enlist their help.

You’ll have to be patient. On average, it takes four years to successfully change careers and regain your credibility at your job. And more importantly—think through the financials of your new career. Will your lifestyle need to change short-term and what is the long-term impact? That may be the only question you will need to answer when considering a career change.