Courts order release of identities of several Deshaun Watson accusers

Emergency hearings underway Friday in Deshaun Watson sexual misconduct cases

HOUSTON – The identities of 14 women currently known as Jane Does in several cases against Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson will soon be revealed.

Two judges today ordered the accuser’s attorney, Tony Buzbee, to hand over their names in four cases. Buzbee agreed to reveal the identities of ten others.

KPRC 2 News learned Thursday that Rusty Hardin, the attorney for the Texans quarterback, filed the motion which is called a “special exception.”

Hardin said he cannot properly defend Watson without knowing the names of his accusers.

Buzbee said releasing the women’s identities would be putting them in danger. He showed screenshots of threats he says the women who have already been identified are getting.

Buzbee had filed a response to Hardin’s special exception motion, claiming the motion is an “intimidation tactic” and are a “blatantly transparent attempt to further traumatize, humiliate and embarrass brave women who have come forward to seek justice for their assault, sexual assault, and harassment at the hands of a serial predator.”

Buzbee has a few days to turn over the names.

There are still eight others cases in which the accusers are still known as Jane Does, but that could change.

WARNING: Extremely explicit language included in court filing. You can read it here.

Hardin held a press conference Friday afternoon after the judge granted his request. He said this case has taken an incredible ordeal on Watson and his reputation. Hardin said Watson was willing to join the conference but decided to not bring him because he was not going to answer questions.

Watson’s defense team backed the player, stating that he has no history before these accusations of assault and nothing on his record. The defense team also noted that the massage world changed after the shutdown and the allegations happened during this time.

“Were there sometimes some consensual encounters? Yes,” Hardin said. “Will that come out in any litigation of trial? Of course, it will and that’s where it should come out.”

Defense attorney Letitia Quinones spoke on the behalf of Watson, saying he wants the public to know that his mother raised a respectable young man, a man who is responsible for his communities. Quinones said he wants the public to know he is a man of character and would not throw it away by assaulting anyone sexually. She said he would never violate a woman and take into consideration what he’s been like.

Hardin said these accusations against Watson are a new model for extortion.

Hardin released this statement Thursday about the matter:

“We have said this before and we want to say it again: Deshaun did not force, coerce or intimidate anyone to do anything against their will. When we asked Mr. Buzbee to identify his clients weeks ago, he refused and told us to file a motion. Today we filed that motion. As discussed in our filing, Mr. Buzbee’s use of anonymous lawsuits violates Texas law and the basic concept of fairness. It is clear that, for Mr. Buzbee, this case has never been about seeking justice in a courtroom, but destroying Deshaun’s reputation to enhance his own public profile and enrich himself. While I understand that anonymity often is used as a shield for victims, Mr. Buzbee is using it as a sword. While shielding his clients from public scrutiny, Mr. Buzbee continues to use their anonymous allegations to destroy Mr. Watson. This is simply not right. And we look forward to resolving these matters in court.”

RELATED: Deshaun Watson: This is what we know about him, his career, his life in Houston

RELATED: Texans Deshaun Watson versus Jane Doe: Inside the lawsuit filed by massage therapist

RELATED: Houston attorney Tony Buzbee says he’s handling additional cases alleging assault by Texan QB Deshaun Watson

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About the Authors
Brittany Taylor headshot

Award-winning journalist, mother, YouTuber, social media guru, millennial, mentor, storyteller, University of Houston alumna and Houston-native.

Prairie View A&M University graduate with a master’s degree in Digital Media Studies from Sam Houston State. Delta woman. Proud aunt. Lover of the color purple. 💜
