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‘Get these people off the street’: Mom of son who was gunned down in her driveway pleads for public’s help in finding his killer

Houston – It’s been more than a month without an arrest for the case of a Houston man who was murdered outside of his home on July 30.

“I heard about six shots. ‘Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,’” Rhonda Hensley recalled. “(In) the neighborhood they’re always shooting, but it sounded too close. Then I heard ‘Boom, boom, boom’ again.”

The gunshots were coming from an assault rifle in Hensley’s driveway. Her 33-year-old son Ronald Green Jr. was the target.

SEE MORE: Police identify victim who was shot point-blank while in his driveway in northeast Harris County

“That was like a hit. Nothing else was touched,” she said pointing to her garage door.

Surveillance video released by Houston police showed a red four-door Chevy sedan drive by the northeast Houston home. Seconds later, Green could be seen backing his white vehicle into his mother’s driveway. Moments later, the red car returned and a thin-dressed man in black runs up to Green’s car, opens fire and hops back into the red car.

Green was shot multiple times. He later died at the hospital. His mother said he left behind two children, under the age of 14.

Hensley said she’s not sure why anyone would want her fun-loving son dead.

“I never really had any problems with him. He had some problems being back and forth in jail, but he worked and was trying to find his way,” she said.

Hensley said she now fears for her life because the killer knows where she lives.

“I watched my camera,” she said. “That car has been riding down this street about two to three days ago. The same car.”

The mother is now hoping someone in the public will recognize the vehicle in the surveillance video or the shooter.

RELATED: Do you recognize this vehicle? Police believe it belongs to a man wanted for murder

“Please get these people off the street because if they feel that comfortable to come in my yard in broad open daylight, they’re not gonna stop,” she said.

Crime Stoppers of Houston is offering up to $5,000 for information leading to the suspect’s arrest. You can leave a tip anonymously at (713) 222-TIPS.