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Houston Newsmakers: Saving kids through education

McClelland issues dollar for dollar match challenge

Good Reason Houston focusing on equitable public education (KPRC-Pixabay)
Quality public school education is the goal of Good Reason Houston (KPRC-Pixabay)

Good Reason Houston is a nonprofit formed to make an immediate impact in the quality of education in Houston-area public schools.

“Put the best teachers in the hardest schools,” said Scott McClelland, Founding Board Chair. “Go through and ensure that your curriculum that you have is the right curriculum.”

It is one of many steps designed to equalize the public school education system, according to McClelland.

“If you look at what’s happening in Houston today, 50 percent of all schools are rated a C, D or F. If you’re an Hispanic student, you’re four times more likely to go to a low performing school; and if you’re a Black student, seven times more likely,” he said.

McClelland says it’s not acceptable, and as part of the fundraising efforts of Good Reason Houston, is offering to match donations.

“If everybody chips in a little bit, we can continue to build momentum and help turn this thing around and for anybody who donates, I will match your donation dollar for dollar personally any donation that comes in between now and the end of the month,” McClelland said.

See below for more information on Good Reason Houston.

The only true disability is a bad attitude!

That is one of the motto’s of the Miracle League volunteers in Houston as they prepare to host the Miracle League All Star game November 5-7th.

Miracle League fields are built so that kids with disabilities are able to participate.

“The Miracle League removes that barrier and allows them to play America’s pastime, the game of baseball.,” said Rodney Finke, CFO of Cleary-Harvey Builders and a Miracle League volunteer. “Not only is it a baseball game, it gives them the opportunity to be part of a team, make new friends, build self-esteem and be treated just like any other athlete.”

The Miracle League All Stars will be treated to a three day weekend of festivities and games for a time they will never forget.

Miracle League Baseball Bat (KPRC)

Opportunities are still available to sponsor the athletes and receive a special bat to commemorate the weekend.

“Red, White and You” Veterans Job Fair

With more than 1.5 million veterans, Texas is home to more former military than any other state.

With an unemployment rate of more than 7 percent, the Red, White and You Job fair on Nov. 4th is a perfect way for veterans and their families to apply for one of the estimated eight thousand jobs that will be available.

Jo Ikard is a veteran of the Marines and in her role with the Texas Veterans Commission says veterans make some of the best employees.

“Veterans are trained to adapt to change, take initiative, learn quickly,” she said. “They bring exceptional training and soft skills to the workplace, including being able to perform under pressure.”

See the full interview on this week’s Houston Newsmakers with Khambrel Marshall and see the link below to register.

More Information:

Scott McClelland, HEB President & Founding Chair of Board, Good Reason Houston

Rodney Finke, CFO, Cleary-Harvey Builders/Miracle League All Star Game 2021

Jo Ikard, Texas Veterans Commission/ Red White and You Veterans Job Fair
