Bodycam video released of deadly police chase across Houston

HOUSTON – On Tuesday, the Houston Police Department released body camera video of a police chase that ended in law enforcement officers shooting and killing a suspect.

Houston police said the incident happened on Nov. 11 around 11:24 a.m. when Harris County Precinct 4 deputies tried to stop Elliot Lewis.

Lewis was the man who investigators said shot into Precinct 4 Constable’s Office earlier that week.

In the body camera video posted by HPD’s on YouTube, you can hear officials radio that Lewis’ speeds were approaching 100 miles per hour.

At one point, Lewis was near downtown where the Veteran’s Day parade was underway.

“If the guy exits anywhere near downtown, we have the authority to do whatever we have to do to stop him,” a command is heard on the radio.

Instead of going towards downtown, the chase continued to the northside.

“The suspect is wearing a bulletproof vest,” another first responder said. “His speed has increased.”

HPD Swat members made a plan to block Elliot in at the shopping plaza off the North Sam Houston Parkway, telling customers to clear the area.

“Go inside, go inside,” one officer yelled.

The officers were able to successfully block Elliot in before he got out of his car holding a rifle.

“Watch your crossfire, he’s opened the door,” another law enforcement official said. “He’s shooting!”

The body-camera video revealed shots being fired in many different directions and Elliot being shot several times by officers.

An innocent bystander was also injured during the shooting when a bullet fragment hit his ankle.

“Let’s clear it out a little bit. Watch your crime scene,” the audio continues. “Check for everybody else. There was a lot of crossfire.”

In total, HPD released body camera video from five law enforcement officials involved in the incident. It’s still not clear why Elliot made threats to the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s Office.