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Protecting your pipes and plants from cold weather

HOUSTON – Many stores like Bering’s Hardware and The Home Depot say now is the time to protect your home and plants from cold weather.

People stopped at Bering’s to purchase plant covers, propane/gas tanks, and clothing items.

Managers said it has been busy, and they’ve seen an uptick in customers getting prepared.

Items that protect your faucets, pipes, and plants are selling pretty fast.

Michael Uchniat is a manager at Bering’s and said most people are not prepared for the cold weather.

“They expected it to be cold, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was last year, so we had some residual things leftover from last year that we made sure we had in stock like plant protection, pipe wrap,” Uchniat said.

Brenda Smith is a local gardener and shared tips with KPRC 2 on how to protect your plants.

  • Pile on those falling leaves your neighbors are bagging and setting out for garbage pickup!
  • As the leaves compost (a process that starts as soon as they fall), they produce heat, then continue slowly, safely, to produce fantastic FREE fertilizer.
  • If you haven’t already, don’t forget to water well before the next freeze. Well-hydrated roots can tolerate cold - albeit temporary - temperatures. Dehydrated roots will be far more susceptible to freeze damage.
  • If you’re worried, throw frost cloth, row covers, anything lightweight over the plants to stop icy water from lingering on the leaves. “Tent” a broom or stick to raise the material up off the plants. Washtubs, large pots, or other coverings will help on smaller plants.”
  • Don’t forget to check on your pets and people during the cold weather.

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Emmy award-winning journalist born and raised in Alabama. College football fanatic and snow cone lover! Passionate about connecting with the community to find stories that matter.