Langham Creek High School coach jumped by middle schoolers, officials say

Witnesses say middle schoolers attacked a coach at Langham Creek High School because he tried to discipline them Thursday.

The chase and beatdown on the high school’s campus was all caught by cell phone video.

Cy-Fair ISD officials say the attackers are four teenage students from Aragon Middle School.

Students at the high school say the victim is a baseball coach who told the kids they couldn’t ride dirt bikes on campus.

”Later that day, they got arrested and their older friends threatened to shoot up our school,” said sophomore Alena Gonzales.

School officials say a threat made through social media resulted in beefed-up security and safety measures on campus Friday.

”We couldn’t walk around unless we had an ID badge, they wouldn’t even let us in,” Gonzales said.

Students say the coach was not at school the day after the attack.

The Langham Creek High School principal sent a letter to parents saying the juveniles who attacked the coach were taken into custody and will be disciplined according to the code of conduct.

Concerned parents say they want swift action.

”This just shouldn’t be happening, not in our own backyard. That just can not happen. These kids need to get into a whole lot of trouble and I’m just speechless,” said parent Michael Daugherty.

It is unclear what charges, if any, the middle schoolers face.

The Cy-Fair ISD police department will continue the investigation.

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Southern Yankee. Native Brooklynite turned proud Texan