Spencer Solves It helps Army veteran battling health issues, financial hardships

BACLIFF – Inside a tiny trailer home in Bacliff, Jacklyn Fields helps her husband, Army veteran Scott Fields, take the expensive prescription drugs he needs to stay alive.

In fact, both Scott and Jackie are battling severe COPD, high blood pressure and heart trouble.

”Well, I know what it is to die and come back. I actually died three times from three different heart attacks and doctors somehow brought me back. I can tell you that all of the love you have, you take it with you,” Jacklyn said.

Yes, Jacklyn has battled her way through COPD, cancer and heart disease. And Scott is on oxygen 24/7 after working for decades in thermoplastics plants. Scott’s lungs are so heavily damaged that he can’t work anymore. It all hit him at once during a severe attack about 12 years ago.

“I was working really hard for like 54 hours straight, and all of the sudden, I wound up in the hospital one night. I mean, I was breathing so hard I passed out,” Scott said.

Now, with both Scott and Jacklyn unable to work, the couple is struggling just to survive financially, while at the same time, helping to raise their 5-year-old grandson Charles.

”The fact is, we are broke. We have bills beyond bills and we need help,” Scott said.

But, the final straw that breaks this couple’s back may be the loss of their only source of transportation -- their 2008 Ford Explorer SUV, which is currently undrivable.

The transmission is shot, the brakes are gone and the front suspension system needs to be replaced completely.

Thousands of dollars in repair bills that the Fields just can’t come close to paying.

So, with nowhere else to go, that’s when Scott wrote to Spencer Solves It for help.

Now, working with the expert mechanics at Christian Brothers Automotive in League City, we’re going to fix up the Field’s Ford Explorer to make it just like new again.

“We are ready. Whatever this car needs, we’re going to repair it. It’s probably a three to four-thousand-dollar repair job, in the end, that we are going to provide at no cost to them whatsoever,” said Andy Miller with Christian Brothers Automotive.

For Scott and Jackie, suddenly, a huge weight was lifted off their shoulders.

Now, they will have a safe way to get back and forth to their doctor’s visits and take Charles where ever he needs to go.

“You have no idea how much this means to us, Bill. We need a lot more people like you. Thank you,” Scott said.

About the Author
Bill Spencer headshot

Emmy-winning investigative reporter, insanely competitive tennis player, skier, weightlifter, crazy rock & roll drummer (John Bonham is my hero). Husband to Veronica and loving cat father to Bella and Meemo.
