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Sweeny ISD teen recovering after reportedly being hit by school administrator’s vehicle on campus

BRAZORIA COUNTY – A mother is taking legal action after she says her son was hit by an administrator at Sweeny Junior High School.

Latoya Sharkey said the incident could have been much worse.

“The injuries he sustained. I was speechless, but God is good. He is a strong kid,” Sharkey said.

Her son, Erik Massey is traumatized but doing a lot better. He spent his 17th birthday at the hospital, and on Thursday, he had to see a trauma specialist at UT Physicians in Houston.

“I think about it every single day,” Massey said. “It’s something I try to forget. But I can’t. It’s hard.”

Erik Massey said he’s just grateful to be alive.

Last Tuesday, the teen was hit behind the school while taking his normal bike route.

“I just remember I blacked out after I got hit,” he said.

Erik was taken to the hospital, and his bike was left bent and torn up.

“He had two dislocated hips, three broken ribs, his spleen was punctured, he has fractures on his hips. Bruises on his arms, head, face, and everything,” his mom said.

Erik’s mother said the driver was a school administrator and believes the person was speeding and not paying attention.

“She didn’t see him and there’s no way you’re going 10 MPH and the injuries he sustained. No!” Sharkey said.

According to the crash report, the driver stated she did not see the bicyclist and didn’t realize she struck him. She reportedly continued to drive forward, running Erik and his bike over.

Officials said the bike was found lodged under the car.

In a statement, the Sweeny Police Department said:

“On Tuesday, 03-22-2022 at approx. 0700 hours, the Sweeny Police department arrived at the Sweeny JR High School on Elm St to investigate an accident that occurred at the back of the school. It was found that a vehicle driving through the back of the parking lot struck a student on his bike while he was going to school. The 16-year-old student was transported by Sweeny EMS to Brazos port Hospital in Lake Jackson and is reported in stable condition. The driver who hit the student did not see the student because of the dark unlighted parking lot and heavy rain. The accident is still under investigation.

Sgt E.J. Srebalus

Sweeny Police Department”

“He had on a red jacket, a bright red jacket,” Sharkey said. “I don’t know how you can miss that.”

Now, Erik has to use a walker and get help from his parent to move around. The 10th grader said he has a long road to recovery.

“I’m so used to doing things on my own. I don’t really like getting help, but I have to go through it,” he said.

Sweeny ISD said they are limited on what they can release because the investigation is ongoing.

Sharkey said some school officials have reached out to check on Erik.

The family has hired an attorney to help with the case.

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Emmy award-winning journalist born and raised in Alabama. College football fanatic and snow cone lover! Passionate about connecting with the community to find stories that matter.