Staying safe from dangerous dogs: What you should do if approached or attacked by stray dog

HOUSTON – Across the Houston area, there have been dozens if not hundreds of vicious dog attacks reported over the years.

Now, officials with Houston’s Bureau of Animal Regulation and Care are providing some tips that residents can follow if they find themselves in a confrontational situation with a stray.

Below are a few questions provided by KPRC 2 Intern Donna Keeya and answers provided by BARC Houston’s Public Information Officer Cory Stottlemyer.

Q: What to do if you’re approached by a strange dog?

A: Regardless of breed type, if a dog is strange to you, approach with caution. Don’t assume the dog is friendly. Keep your guard up, don’t turn your back, don’t make any sudden movement, remain calm, don’t make eye contact, don’t make any loud noises.

Q: What to do if you’re approached by multiple dogs at once?

A: It’s kind of similar, keep yourself elevated and your head up. Try to lean your back against a wall. Try to exit the situation calmly without running or turning your back.

Q: What to do if a dog is approaching you while you are walking your dog?

A: Factor in how you know your own animal will behave before you leave your house, especially if you’re in an area where you know there have been stray dogs in the past. You can come prepared with items such as pepper spray or a stick. An umbrella can be good to open up and scare the animal away. Depending on the size of the pet, pick it up and go to a safer location, or have a firm leash if you have a bigger dog. If your dog gets involved with another animal, try your best to not get involved.

Q: What should you do if a dog is actively attacking you?

A: Protect your vital organs by covering your face and neck with your arms. Don’t go into fetal position because that will put you in closer proximity to where the dog might attack you. Don’t use your feet to kick or attack the dog because you might lose balance. Don’t run and don’t turn your back, try to get away without turning your back. Scream for help.

Q: What should you not do if a dog is attacking you?

A: Don’t use your limbs to attack back- you need your legs to balance and your arms to protect your face and neck. Don’t look the dog in the eyes. Don’t run. Bring a stick or umbrella for self-defense ahead of time. Be aware of your surroundings. If you are aware of any stray animals, please call 311 and report it to BARC. Be descriptive if it’s an aggressive animal.

